Wednesday, June 13, 2007

motvational speaker

most motivational speakers talk how you shouldn't end up like them, doing drugs, living in a van down by river,having unprotected sex with someone u just meeted and so on. BUT what people arnt realizing is HE is making a butt load of money talking to people. SO in reality he's subliminally TELLING u to be like him! i mean hell, who wouldn't what to make 100$ an hour talking about how your life is going down the shittier!?

i mean i would....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Spiderman = Hard Rocker (?)

has anyone ever noticed that spidermans hand sign to shoot web is the same as The Rock Horns?? i mean did Stan-lee come back from a vanhallen concert when he came up with this? or possiablely in a past life he waz a hard rocker or something.
i mean look at this!!------------------------------------->
maybe this is why the comic is soooo successful? i mean Spiderman didnt really kick off untill the 80's A.K.A the ROCK era. and u just KNOW some stoner in a van down by the river is going "ROCK ON SPIDERMAN!! *coughcough*"
and maybe im the only one that noticed this but the spider is kinda a homage to Ozzy Osbourn...


my first blog!!! thats right! my FIRST!! since schools out i now have free time busting out of every orfice in my body!!! :D soooooo why not start a blog?

now i have a account on: myspace (DUNCMASTER)
AOL instant messager (fuzzieking)
deviant art (fuzzieking)
and now Blogger!!

my e-mail is